How to actually solve any problem?

Suppose you are faced with a problem that needs to be solved. Maybe it is an obstacle in your career, a complication in your personal life, or a challenge in your business. At first, you thought about it on your own, but couldn’t find a solution. Then you discussed it with friends or colleagues, someone suggested a solution—but it didn’t work. At some point, you might start thinking, “Maybe this is a problem that has no solution!”
But is that really true?
Most of the time, we are more interested in finding a quick solution than finding the real cause of the problem. As a result, what happens is—a problem is temporarily solved, but soon it comes back, maybe even bigger!
In this article, I will share an effective problem-solving method that will help you find the root of any complex problem and solve it permanently.
So, let’s start the journey of looking at the problem from a new perspective!

**Step-1 : Asking the question by "why"**

You need to question the problem using “why.” The answer you get should again be questioned with “why,” and then the next answer should also be questioned with “why.” Continue asking by “why” in this manner until you find the root cause of the problem.

**Step-2 : Create some scenarios.**

You have to create minimum 3 scenarios or chains by asking why, if possible you have to create more scenarios. But yes, it should not be less than three. Because the more scenarios you create, the better solution you will be able to find. Then you have to see which scenario suits you best to solve the problem, you have to make it final. Then you have to come up with a solution from scratch according to your final scenario. Then your desired problem will be solved automatically.
Now, here is the scenario I have created to solve my problem. If someone else has the same problem, then the same scenario I have created may or may not work for them.
The reason for this is that every person has different characteristics and they have different mentalities. They also have different habits.
So my scenario may not solve his problem. So what can be done in this case?
No need to worry, there is a solution for this too.
In fact, in this case, the basic formula is that the person who has the problem will create the scenario according to his characteristics. This is the most effective.
And if someone else wants to create the scenario, then the scenario should be created according to the characteristics of the person around whom the problem is.
By creating the scenario and working in this way, the problem will actually be solved.

**Step-3: Moving forward with the right mindset.**

Even after all this, you cannot expect an instant solution. Because it would be really foolish to expect that the problem that has been created for a long time, which has been mixed with your habit, will vanish with your one effort. Just as the problem has been created day by day, if you follow the above rules, the solution will also come day by day. In this way, at a certain stage, the entire problem will be solved.

But if you have the wrong mindset, if you think I have learned a great technique of problem solving, I will apply it and solve it instantly. Then you will only be disappointed. Even the whole process of problem solving may fail, because of your wrong mindset.
So fix your mindset from now.
It is true that if you solve problems using the above formula, then you may start getting a little bit of results from the first day,
But don’t expect complete results on the first day.

Many people may be able to grasp the matter easily. On the other hand, for many people, the matter may seem very complicated, they must be thinking in their hearts, brother, what are you trying to say, please clarify the matter, everything is going over my head.
No problem, I will now give an example, through which the whole matter will become crystal clear to you.

Let’s take a practical problem first.

I wake up very late every morning, even though I set an alarm every night before going to bed and at the same time swear that I will wake up at the right time tomorrow. But the next day when I wake up and see that I am still very late today, I get very angry with myself. As a result, my mood becomes irritable and the whole day does not go very well. This is how my every day goes.
Anyway, I basically want to wake up at the right time every day, that is, early in the morning. (In my case, it would be 6 am)

Solution :

Step-1 :

Scenario-1 :

Why can’t I wake up early?
→ Because I don’t get enough sleep by then.

Why don’t I get enough sleep?
→ Because I sleep late at night.

Why do I go to bed late at night?
→ Because using my phone for 2 hours before sleeping has become a habit. If I don’t do it, I feel uneasy and restless. As a result, I go to sleep late.

That means,
I need to change the habit of using my mobile phone just before going to bed and establish a new habit here. It could be reading a book or not going near my mobile phone for two hours before sleeping etc.
If I absolutely cannot stay without using my phone before sleeping, then I need to go to bed two hours earlier. For example, if I want to sleep at 10 PM, I should get into bed by 8 PM. This way, after using my phone for two hours, when my brain gets tired, I will naturally fall asleep around 10 PM.. Isn’t that great!!!


Why can’t I wake up early?
Because I don’t have a strong reason to wake up early.

So I need a strong reason to wake up.
Now some people might ask, “Does anyone even want to wake up early without a reason?” Look, you have a reason, but still you can’t wake up. That means your reason is not strong enough. You have to have a reason to wake up, which if you miss, you will lose something or you will be harmed or you will be punished. And the punishment should be of such a type that you cannot accept easily. Then you will wake up even if it is just to avoid that punishment. For example, if you fail to wake up, you will pay 10 dollar to your friend every day or it can be something else. You have to make it according to your interest.


Why can’t I wake up early?
Because I go to bed too late at night. Although I want to sleep earlier. But in the end, it doesn’t happen anymore.

Why does this happen?
Because I have saved it in my brain, the time to sleep is 12 am or 1 am. As a result, no matter what I do, I don’t feel sleepy until 12 AM or 1 AM.

So, I need to change the set sleep time in my brain. How do I do this?

Everyday, I need to repeatedly tell myself that 10 PM is my bedtime. But just saying it won’t be enough—I must complete all my tasks and get into bed by 10 PM. At first, I will have to force myself to do this for a few days.
After some days, this new routine will be saved in my long-term memory. As a result, just like I currently feel sleepy when it’s 1 AM, I will start feeling sleepy naturally at 10 PM. Eventually, I will go to bed automatically at the right time.


Why can’t I wake up early in the morning?
→ Because I turn off the alarm and go back to sleep.

Why do I turn off the alarm?
→ Because at that moment, I think, “I’m already awake. Sleeping five extra minutes won’t hurt much. I’ll get up exactly five minutes later.” This leads to falling back into another sleep cycle, and I don’t even realize it.

Why do I do this?
→ Because I don’t get enough sleep. As a result, I have a tendency to want a bit more sleep.
→ Because I don’t have an urgent task at that time. In other words, I don’t have a strong reason to get up. If I had one, I would get up immediately.

Here, Many people might suggest keeping your phone away before sleeping so that you have to get up to turn off the alarm. Some recommend using a **puzzle alarm app**, where you need to solve a puzzle to turn off the alarm, helping you wake up.

However, in reality, these tricks may work for **2-4 days**, but eventually, you will go back to your old habits. This is not a **permanent solution** because turning off the alarm or solving a puzzle doesn’t take much time. In such a short span, your sleepiness doesn’t completely wear off, so you might go back to sleep again.

Moreover, if you don’t get **sufficient sleep**, you might be in deep sleep and **not even hear the alarm** at all.

So, the **permanent solution** is to ensure you get **enough sleep**—how you do it is up to you, but you must ensure it. Then, set an alarm and have a **strong reason to wake up**. That’s it.

Step-2 :

Now I am finalizing Scenario-1 from the above scenarios. I think it is perfect for me. Maybe I want to establish a new habit here instead of using my mobile before going to bed at night. I really like reading books, so from now on maybe I will read books at this time. And I cannot read books for a long time at a time. So after some time, I will naturally feel tired and fall asleep.

Step-3 :

At the same time, I also know that I will have to force myself to do this for the first few days. Since I am not used to it, it’s natural that I won’t feel like doing it initially. For this reason, I will need to be patient in the beginning. After some days, it will become a habit, and everything will happen naturally.


Find the root of the problem by repeatedly asking the question “Why?”.
Create at least three scenarios in this way and finalize one of them and get to work.
First create the right mind set, then start working.

Key Points to Note:

1. Notice that while giving the example, I repeatedly asked, “Why can’t I wake up early in the morning?” Here, the word “I” has been used. This means I tried to solve the problem from my perspective. Similarly, you need to create scenarios and solve your problem based on your own perspective and characteristics.

2. Do not expect a quick response. If you proceed with such a flawed mindset, not only will your problem remain unsolved, but it will also never leave you. You will remain a troubled person for life. So, I repeat, proceed with the right mindset because this is the step where most people make mistakes!!!

Challenge Task:

Suppose you are someone who can speak very well with your acquaintances, family members, or friends. You can explain things logically and communicate effectively. But whenever you find yourself in a situation where you have to speak in front of a group, whether in an assembly or a small meeting, everything turns upside down.
Your words seem to get stuck in your mouth, your throat dries up, your voice starts trembling, your breathing becomes rapid, and overall, you find yourself in a chaotic and embarrassing situation.

What is the solution to this?

Follow the entire process described above and find a solution to this problem. Then, share your final scenario in the comments.
Yes, actually do it! Because your scenario might contain the best solution to this problem, which could help many people.

Additionally, if you have any difficulty understanding anything, any suggestions, or if you’re interested in a new topic, feel free to comment and let us know.

Thank you!

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